Wednesday, June 24, 2020

NHAI Recruitment 2020 - Supervisor (CGM) and Helper vacancy - Any Graduate

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NHAI Recruitment 2020 - Supervisor (CGM) and Helper vacancy
NHAI Recruitment 2020 - Supervisor (CGM) and Helper vacancy

NHAI Recruitment 2020 -
Supervisor Chief General Manager and Helper vacancy Vacancies - 67,000 Salary - Apply Now

On 05/06/2020, NHAI announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 8th Pass for Helper Post and 12th Pass,  Any Graduate, B.Com, CA, ICWA for the position of Supervisor Chief General Manager in New Delhi, Candidates may Apply anywhere from India.
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Company Name -    NHAI

Post Name -    Supervisor,  Helper Posts

No of Posts -   170 Post

Salary -   Rs. 37,400 - Rs. 67,000/-Per Month

Apply Location -    Apply from All over India.
Position Opens on -  05/06/2020

Last Date to Apply -    20/07/2020

Qualification Details:
1. Name of the post: Supervisor Chief General Manager (CGM) and Helper: 170
2. Pay Scale/Pay Band/Pay Level: PB-4 (Rs.37400- 67000) with Grade Pay Rs.10,000 [Level 14 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC]
3. Essential Educational Qualification and Experience:  (i) Degree in Commerce / Accounts / Finance / ICAI / ICWAI from a recognized University / Management from a recognized University / Institute or equivalent  Or Member of any organized Group-‘A’ Finance/ Accounts related Service of the Central Government or of the State Government; AND
(ii) 17 years’ service as Group ‘A’ [ Pay Scale of Pay Band-3 (Rs.15,600-39,100) with Grade Pay Rs.5400 equivalent to Level 10 of Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC ] or equivalent level post or higher on regular basis out of which 7 years’ experience in Financial Accounting / Budgeting / Internal Audit / Contract Management / Fund Management / Disbursement in an organization of repute. 
Age: 56 years

Important Dates:

1. Opening Date for Online Registration of Application: 05.06.2020 (10.00 AM) 
2.Last Date for submission of Online application: 06.07.2020 (6.00 PM) 
3. Last Date for submission of Printout of Online application along with requisite documents from Parent Department: 20.07.2020 (6.00 PM)
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Important Instructions:

1. The posts carry all India service liability. Therefore, those who are willing to serve anywhere in India may only apply. 
2. The applicant who applies for the post with respect to the advertisement shall not be allowed to withdraw his/her candidature subsequently. The applicant selected by NHAI should not decline the offer of appointment. In case he/she declines the offer of appointment, his/her candidature shall not be considered for any further appointment by NHAI for a period of two years from the date of the cancellation of the offer of appointment. 
3. In the case of selection on a deputation basis, applicants who are more than 56 years of age as on the last date for receipt of applications need not apply. Those applicants who are due to retire from their parent cadre within two years, as on the closing date for receipt of applications also need not apply. 
4. Internal/ regular officers of NHAI, who fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the advertisement / Regulations for them, as on the last date for receipt of applications, may also apply. 
5. (I) SC/ST/Minority Community / Women/ Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, are encouraged to apply.
(II) Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) can apply to the respective posts even if the post is not reserved for them but has been identified as Suitable. However, such Applicants will be considered for selection to such post by general standard of merit. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. Thus, Physically Handicapped (PH) persons can avail the benefit of reservation and other concessions and relaxations as permissible under the rules only when the degree of physical disability is 40% or more and the posts are suitable for PwBD candidates. 
6. The crucial date for determination of eligibility shall be the last date for submission of online applications. 
7. Applicants working in PSUs/ Public Sector Banks may refer to NHAI Circulars regarding the equivalency of Pay Structure (between CDA vs IDA and CDA vs Public Sector Banks) attached to the advertisement. 
8. Canvassing or bringing influence in any form will disqualify the candidature.
9. The advertisement can be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the Competent Authority without assigning any reasons therefore.
10. Important Note: The candidates who had applied for the post of Chief General Manager (Finance), advertised on 01.08.2019 with the last date for receipt of applications as 16.10.2019, need not apply afresh for the post getting published in this advertisement. 

Selection Procedure :

Selection through Search-cum-Selection Committee:- (1) From internal candidates holding the post of a General Manager or the equivalent of NHAI on regular basis for a period of three years’ and possessing the essential educational qualifications and essential experience stipulated in Column 7. or 
(2) By deputation from officers under the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institutions affiliated to Government of India or Public Sector
Undertakings or Semi-Government or Statutory or Autonomous Organizations and other Government Bodies:-

(i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the pay scale of Pay Band-4 (Rs.37,400-67,000) with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- (in CDA pattern) [equivalent to Level 14 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC] or equivalent pay scale in IDA pattern in the parent cadre/department; OR
(ii) with three years of regular service in the posts in the pay scale of Pay Band-4 (Rs.37,400-67,000/-) with Grade Pay Rs.8700/- [equivalent to Level 13 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC] or equivalent pay scale in
IDA pattern in the parent cadre/department; AND Possessing the essential educational qualifications and essential experience stipulated in column 7. 
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How to Apply :

i) Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID and ensure that the same is active during the entire recruitment process. User ID, Password, filled-in application form, and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID.
ii) The applicant may visit the NHAI website for accessing the link for applying online. The link may be opened on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. 
iii) Click on the tab About Us Vacancies Current. Click on the relevant Recruitment advertisement and then click ‘Online application’.
iv) Click ‘New Registration’ and then sign-up by filling-up the Application Registration Details viz. Name, Email, Mobile No., Password, Re-type Password, and then press the ‘Submit’ button for registration. The candidates will receive User ID & Password on their given registered Email ID. The User ID will be the registered Email ID given in Application Registration Details. 
v) Re-login and fill up the requisite / given fields / information. 
vi) Scanned copy of color passport size photograph, essential educational/professional qualification(s), promotion/appointment order(s), only in ‘jpg / ‘jpeg’ or ‘png’ or ‘gif’ image types not exceeding 1 MB,  ay be uploaded. 
vii) Click the ‘Next’ button.
viii) Application Preview may be seen. 
ix) ‘Preview’ and ‘Final Submit’ button is available. Candidates should take utmost care in furnishing / providing the correct details while filling up the online application. The candidate can EDIT the information before the final submission of the Application. Once the application form is finally submitted, it cannot be edited. 
x) If the Applicant is satisfied with the information furnished, click the “Final Submit” button for submitting the application form, online. The ONLINE application may be submitted by 20.07.2020 (6.00 PM).
xii)  Duly filled-in print-out of the ONLINE application, forwarded by parent department of the applicant along with the prescribed ‘Verification Certificate’ and photocopy of APARs/ACRs for the last five (05) years, should reach NHAI  at the following address, on or before 20.07.2020 (6.00 PM) DGM (HR &Admn.)-I.
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Official Notification: Click Below to Download

Official Website: Find Below the Link

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Official Notification
Application Form

Submit Online application with resume and an Official letter explaining your interest in the Post. For More Details visit Official Website to Clarify all the Details.

Apply Now

Send Application Here

Deputy General Manager(HR)-I National Highways Authority Of India (NHAI) Plot No: G – 5&6, Sector – 10 Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075
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Submit Online application with resume and an Official letter explaining your interest in the Post. For More Details visit the Official Website to Clarify all the Details.

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