Bharat Electronics Limited, a leading Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise, under the Ministry of Defence.
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) was established at Bangalore, India, by the Government of India under the Ministry of Defence in 1954 to meet the specialized electronic needs of the Indian defence services. Over the years, it has grown into a multi-product, multi-technology, multi-unit company servicing the needs of customers in diverse fields in India and abroad.
Positions: Contract Engineers
Period of Contract: 1 Year
Experience: Freshers
Stipend: Rs.23,000 PM
Job Location: Across India
Interview Location: Ghaziabad (UP)
Eligibility Criteria: First class for General and OBC Candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST candidates in BE/ B.Tech from a recognized University/ Institution. Only the following disciplines are allowed –
- Electronics
- Electronics & Communication
- Electronics & Telecommunication
- Communication Engineering
- Telecom Engineering
Age limit: Maximum age limit as on 31.01.2019 is 25 years for General; 28 years for OBC and 30 years for SC/ST candidates respectively. 10 years age relaxation for PWD candidates in their respective category.
Selection Process:
Selection will be through a Written Test on 20.02.2019 (Wednesday) followed by Interview (only of those who are shortlisted in the written test) on 21.02.2019 (Thursday).
How to Apply:
All interested and eligible candidates can attend the walk-in event at the following venue on 20 February 2019.
Documents Required: (Self-attested photocopy and ORIGINAL)
- Filled in application form enclosed herein.
- SSLC Marks card
- Engineering Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate
- Caste Certificate, if applicable
- Two recent passport size colour photograph
- Relevant Experience Certificate, if any.
Official Website.
Official Notification Letter.
Online Application Form.
Interview Venue, Time, Date
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